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Incorporation of shell companies
- Companies registered in Singapore with no apparent business and low paid up capital.
- Addresses of the Filing Agent (FA) or Post Office (P.O.) box addresses are used by the companies as their registered/mailing addresses.
- Multiple bank accounts opened with various banks for no apparent economic or business reason.
- Authorised bank signatories are usually foreign directors and shareholders are located overseas.
- Bank accounts are opened at around the same period foreign directors are in Singapore to incorporate their companies.
- Bank accounts are opened at around the same period foreign directors are in Singapore to incorporate their companies.
- Frequent large incoming remittances into bank accounts from different individuals and companies, located mainly overseas.
- After receipt of funds in the bank accounts, the funds are usually moved out of Singapore within the next few days. These bank accounts generally have low balances.
- Transaction patterns in the bank accounts are often not in line with the company’ principal business.
Indicators relating to other crimes
- Clients give false/misleading explanation for Customer Due Diligence (“CDD”) purposes.
- Clients unwilling/unable to provide information for CDD purposes.
- Clients use forged/fraudulent/ false identity documents for CDD purposes.
- Clients uncontactable for CDD purposes.
- Clients featured in news adversely.
- Suspicious transactions involving entities involved in sensitive employment/responsibility.
- FA suspects client is a Political Exposed Persons.
- Unrealistic turnover in client’s business accounts.
- Unusual/ uneconomical movement of funds.
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